Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI)
Pollution load in air, water, and soil is not just an environmental challenge, but synergistically a public health challenge as well. During 2009, Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI), was formulated which is a rational number (ranging from 0 to 100) to characterize environmental quality at a given industrial area following algorithm of pollution source, pathway and receptor. The CEPI score helps to classify polluted industrial clusters based on scientific criteria and design action plans accordingly. The industrial area having aggregated CEPI scores 70 and above are considered as Critically Polluted Areas (CPAs), whereas CEPI scores between 60 and 70 are considered as Severely Polluted Areas (SPAs) and CEPI scores less than 60 are considered as Other Polluted Areas (OPAs).
The CEPI is intended to act as an early warning tool, which is handy to use. It can help in categorizing the industrial clusters/areas in terms of priority of planning and needs for interventions. The process of evolution of method and mechanisms that yielded results are dynamic in nature. The CEPI framework was amended by CPCB in April 2016 with concurrence of MoEF & CC, considering representations received from various stakeholders, State Governments and SPCBs. Based on CEPI-2016 methodology, CPCB conducted environmental quality monitoring for evaluation of CEPI scores in 100 polluted industrial areas across the country during 2018 with co-ordination of SPCBs by engaging recognized laboratories and identified 38 CPAs & 31 SPAs. Concerned SPCBs/PCCs of 38 CPAs & 31 SPAs has prepared Action Plan and it is under various stages of implementation. CPCB has developed this “CEPI ACTION PLAN REVIEW PORTAL” to facilitate state boards to update progress of action plan, monitoring results, meetings conducted and to review the progress of action plan by CPCB.

Sh. Narendra Modi
(Hon'ble Prime Minister)

Sh. Bhupender Yadav
(Hon'ble Minister of EF&CC)